Tuesday 29th December

 This morning I spent almost three hours birding down in the Ghyll, on the opposite side of town from yesterday's excursion. It was very wet underfoot, and it was very cloudy, meaning that the light was poor, nevertheless it was well worth it. I worked my way from the north end to the south end, from Green Lane and the recreation ground down to Forest Rise and the housing estate there.

I had excellent views of Redwing and Great Spotted Woodpecker at the northern end, as well as a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, besides the usual Blackbirds and various tits. Robins and Wrens were plentiful, and there were also a good number of Song Thrushes and Bullfinches. I also heard a single Chiffchaff calling, which I eventually saw, albeit briefly.

I was not so familiar with the southern end (from the bridge down), but it was fascinating that parts of it look almost like the Ashdown Forest, with heather, gorse and bracken all growing in fair quantities in the area. Here I found a few Marsh Tits in a flock also containing Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Long-tailed Tits, and also a Treecreeper. A couple of Nuthatches were hanging on to the flock somewhat loosely. 

In an area of dense Holly, I managed to see a crest, which I soon realised was a Firecrest. Being so common around here this was no surprise, but I was pleased to have good views of it, and then later a Goldcrest. A Raven also flew over when I was walking through a field at the top, just below the football ground.