Tuesday 5th November

A quiet day, and I was unable to get out for long in the morning, meaning that all totals are from the afternoon and late evening only. All the same, hopefully I will be able to spend longer outside in the coming weeks, weather permitting, of course. A Pied Wagtail flew over, possibly two, and also we had 7 Redwings, a number which I would have thought was quite good had it not been for the recent three-figure counts. The most numerous bird of the day, however, was the Meadow Pipit. I only saw 19 this afternoon, but I have no doubt that more flew through during the evening, although I was not able to stay out long enough. All in all, a good day, and with some more northerly winds forecast, we should have some more.

Thursday 31st October

The last day of October brought with it a much reduced passage of Redwings, with only 64 recorded this morning, while this afternoon has been devoid of the species. Today's excitement, however, came in the form of a minimum of 34 Fieldfares flying over at around 15:45. This is the highest number of this species I have observed here. Otherwise, the other 'highlight' was the massive migration of Woodpigeons - a minimum of 220 flew over in an hour this morning.

Wednesday 30th October

As if surprises will not cease this year! This morning, I counted a further minimum of 352 Redwing over, with yet the evening to provide hopes of breaking yesterday's record. Very quiet on the ground so far, as the wind was quite strong and chill, limiting activity in the bushes. However, 6 Siskins were nice, along with another 4 Fieldfare, and 20 Goldfinches. Totals below:

Redwing (352)
Woodpigeon (5)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Robin (1)
House Sparrow (5)
Blackbird (2)
Jackdaw (2)
Starling (30)
Fieldfare (4)
Siskin (6)
Chiffchaff (1)
Bullfinch (2)
Goldfinch (20)
Collared Dove (3)
Chiffchaff (1)
Blue Tit (4)
Long-tailed Tit (2)
Coal Tit (1)

Tuesday 29th October

Wow! I was stunned to watch over 400 Redwings migrating in a south-westerly direction during the course of the day. The vast majority were in the morning, before 08:00, but nearly 100 were left until the very end of the day, observed as the sun was setting. Almost all of them were in groups, the smallest of which numbered around 14. This is the largest movement of this species I have ever observed. Siskins were a long way off in point of numbers in comparison, but for the species, we had a good count of 24. Goldfinches numbered 31, Woodpigeons migrating high over were enumerated to a minimum of 67 over, 6 Fieldfares also being exciting, and to finish all off, a Pied Wagtail flew over late in the day. Totals listed below:

Meadow Pipit (1)
Redwing (400)
Pied Wagtail (1)
Wren (1)
Blackbird (4)
Woodpigeon (4) +67 migratory
Siskin (24)
Goldfinch (31)
Robin (2)
Fieldfare (6)
Song Thrush (1)
Jackdaw (70)
Starling (30)
Carrion Crow (2)
Herring Gull (4)
Black-headed Gull (2)
Blue Tit (2)
Long-tailed Tit (8)
Coal Tit (2)
Nuthatch (1)
Collared Dove (3)

Monday 28th October

A somewhat chilly start, but the sunshine was good to see after so many days of dark clouds and rain. The clear highlight today was a single female Black Redstart, seen briefly around 10:13 flitting between the buildings at Beacon Academy. This is only my 2nd in Crowborough. I first saw the bird perched on the new fencing, and as it took off I saw the flash of orange on the tail. Totals for the nearly 3 hours spend watching today are below:

Goldfinch (13)
Blue Tit (3)
Jackdaw (46)
Redwing (8)
Great Tit (1)
Woodpigeon (3)
Robin (2)
Wren (1)
Carrion Crow (2)
House Sparrow (3)
Starling (12)
Meadow Pipit (2)
Chaffinch (1)
Blackbird (5)
Goldcrest (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Nuthatch (1)
Black-headed Gull (6)
Long-tailed Tit (7)
Dunnock (1)
Chiffchaff (1)
Black Redstart (1)

Saturday 26th October

Today I did about 50 minutes watching, all this morning so far, and, although the wind and the clouds have been threatening, there have been a few birds around. Totals are below with my comments:

Redwing: (20)
Fieldfare (2) over early morning calling; quite scarce round here
Linnet (4)
Goldfinch (4)
Blackbird (3)
Robin (3)
Wren (2)
Woodpigeon (4) + 6 migrating S
Jackdaw (5)
Starling (7)
Herring Gull (2)
Collared Dove (1)
Blue Tit (2)
Goldcrest (3)
Meadow Pipit (6)
Great Tit (2)
Chiffchaff (1) calling
Siskin (2)
Pied Wagtail (1)
Carrion Crow (2)
Black-headed Gull (1)
Buzzard (1)

Thursday 24th October

I was unable to do my usual this morning, unfortunately, for the little I did showed that the Redwing migration had picked up again considerably overnight. In the matter of five minutes that I watched, I counted a minimum of 17 Redwings, which would potentially have broken records and been the best day so far for the migration of this species. A Pied Wagtail was the only other bird noted.

Wednesday 23rd October

Today was dry, but cloudy, and the numbers of Redwings just collapsed from the incredible numbers of the last two days. I could only count 25 today, and numbers of other birds were equally low, reflecting, I presume, the poor weather for migration. I noted 11 Siskins, and Meadow Pipits were present in exactly the same numbers, or at least those I heard. I noted 7 migrating Goldfinches, as well as a single Chiffchaff, and a single Pied Wagtail which flew over. I wonder whether we will see some Black Redstarts around, given the large numbers heading inland recently.

Tuesday 22nd October

A dry day! The mist which was present at first very soon cleared, and it was a lovely day. Overhead migration was absolutely superb, and I recorded 73 Redwings, even more than yesterday's count of 67, but in much better weather. Siskins were next numerous, with 14 recorded, and I had my first 2 Fieldfares of the autumn over. A single Blackcap was singing sub song along Green Lane. Goldfinches were surprisingly scarce, with only 4 recorded, but 3 Stock Doves flying south were a surprise, and a very nice one too. The highlight of the morning was a single female/juvenile type Ring Ouzel seen on ornamental bushes at the top of Poundfield Road at around 07:29.

Monday 21st October

Friday was little short of a washout, and I did no birding to speak of. However, this morning, in the rain, astonishingly, I counted no less that 67 Redwings migrating over, forming a clearly live running from Pelling's Farm Close on the one hand to Luxford Road (Montargis) on the other. This is the highest count this autumn so far. Meadow Pipits were vastly outnumbered - I only noted 2 this morning. As for anything else, there has been nothing so far (17:00) but the rain does not appear to be close to stopping in the near future.

Thursday 17th October

Another, this time showery, day has mostly passed, and there has been one species which has been outstanding today. I counted the highest number of Redwings this year, with a minimum of 46 flying over in 3 hours. This could simply be because I was watching for longer, but most of the 46 were noted in the first hour early this morning.

Meadow Pipit numbers were very low this morning - 4 were all I could find. However, one each of Grey and Pied Wagtails flew over, and I had point-blank views of 2 Chiffchaff on the Montargis Estate. Also 1 Linnet flew over the same area.

Later in the evening the Meadow Pipit passage picked up considerably, with 10 more noted, bringing the day's total up to 14.

Wednesday 16th October

What can I say? Another day of practically nothing but drizzle, with longish breaks but still with a few spots. However, another 14 Redwings were logged, and 21 Siskins, today the latter more than outnumbering the former. Meadow Pipits, however, were not absent, with 12 being logged. Another, or the same Pied Wagtail flew over this afternoon.

Despite the rain, there are good numbers of birds turning up - maybe not overly quality birds, but certainly quantity. The forecast for tomorrow morning is looking brighter though, so we can hope for a change in the weather!

Tuesday 15th October

Another very wet, drizzly start to the day, not at all very pleasant, but nevertheless a conservative count of 20 Redwings were noted, that in one hour alone, which I suspect is part of a nationwide influx of birds from Scandinavia. The other highlight was seeing a Treecreeper on the footpath up Pelling's Farm Close in poor light conditions.

Meadow Pipits were not far behind, with 18 noted in the same hour, and Siskins were but poorly represented with just 4 individuals seen. A Pied Wagtail also flew over.

With the weather forecast looking little better for tomorrow, it looks like the birding will remain a little washed out!

Monday 14th October

Early on today in the drizzle there was very little in the way of bird life, but it picked up reasonably to produce 43 Siskins, those being the highlight of the day. The other notable sightings included 11 Meadow Pipits, a rather low count for this time of year, but possibly low due to the weather, and the general wind direction at the moment: they are being recorded less than usual on such sites as BirdTrack. Chiffchaffs were still around - I noted 3, although there may have been more. Also, small numbers of Redwings are filtering through, although today's meagre count of 2 was scarcely thrilling.

Friday 11th October

I'm not sure why I am writing this post. Today has been a horrible day, at least concerning the weather conditions. Almost relentless drizzle all day has put an end to most birding, but I was fool enough to go out, and was rewarded with a rather soggy Goldcrest, three Chiffchaffs, and a total of 4 wind-blown Meadow Pipits, not counting those I didn't hear above the noise of the wind!

All in all, not a very productive day, and it looks like the next few days will be little better!

Thursday 10th October

After the false excitement of yesterday (although the Cetti's Warbler made up for some of the lethargy) and high hopes of large numbers of migrants, this morning over-fulfilled!

In one hour (between approx 0700 and 0800) I had a conservative minimum of 97 Goldfinches over, followed by a smaller group of 6 later in the afternoon, 20 Siskins, 17 Meadow Pipits, 5 Chiffchaffs, a Pied Wagtail, and, more excitingly, my 2nd Stonechat for the area, at the junction of Luxford Road and Montargis Way!

However, in the afternoon it clouded over considerably, and migration was not so obvious, with hardly anything of note except for the Goldfinches in nearly 2 hours.

Wednesday 9th October

A day which surely must rank highly among the best days of the year when considering birding in Crowborough, as I found the first Cetti's Warbler for the area, seen briefly at around 07:13 this morning.

However, for anything else, it was a poor day. Meadow Pipits reached a low of 4 in total, despite much watching, and only 1 each of Siskin and Pied Wagtail livened things up a little.

Thursday 3rd October

A gentle south-easterly breeze of about 8mph fanned Crowborough today, meaning that migration conditions were not bad.

This was easily proved as although Meadow Pipit numbers were lower than on some occasions, other species were present in higher numbers than usual. Only 11 Meadow Pipits were recorded, considerably less than on other days recently.

However, Redwing numbers were up, with 8 noted, whilst the same number of Skylarks were noted flying west over the Beeches Estate. Siskins were out in force, although nothing like the numbers of last year yet, with 9 over in total. Chiffchaffs still lingered: around the area I found 5, although no Willow Warblers showed up nor Blackcaps.

In the wagtail department, Pied Wagtail proved today to be as common as Grey Wagtail, with just one of each observed.

Wednesday 2nd October

A real autumnal day today with a brisk cool wind and clear blue skies with hardly a cloud in sight for much of the day. As I expected migrating birds were in reasonable numbers, especially given the predominantly poor weather of late.

The standouts of today were the Meadow Pipits. A total of 21 were recorded in approximately three hours of watching, but the rest of the time was not wasted. 13 Goldfinches in total were migrating south, as were a record 6 Chiffchaffs, seen throughout the day. Also I had my first six Redwings of the autumn over, 2 Linnets (quite rare round here), and another Grey Wagtail, along with 2 Pied Wagtails, which are also surprisingly scarce here.

The only other bit of excitement came in the form of a Great Spotted Woodpecker, over my garden, in an area where they are again quite scarce.

Tuesday 1st October

Today was a little disappointing, with only 4 Meadow Pipits over in total while I was watching in between the rain showers. Only other highlight was another commoner member of the wagtail family - Grey Wagtail - of which just one flew over. Grey Wagtails are fairly common in winter in Crowborough, but they are pretty much absent in winter. Apart from 1 Chiffchaff, again greatly reduced from yesterday.

Monday 30th September

I have not written for a while, but the birding has not been overly exciting, and I have been away as well. The week we had lovely weather I was away for, meaning that since I returned it has been wet and windy, hardly conditions suitable for birding.

Until today. Today has bucked the trend. A break in the rain meant that migrants were making the most of the dry spells to travel as far as possible, and they were flying over fairly low due to the cloud cover, which was still almost 100%.

But the birds. On the Montargis Estate, a record 4 Yellow Wagtails (year tick for me) flew over low, one landing briefly on some garages: these formed only the third record for the Crowborough area, with the previous records being as follows:

  • 2 at Alfreys Road on the 1st of March 2003
  • 1 at Goldsmiths Recreation Ground on the 24th of September 2017
However, that was not all. Chiffchaffs were literally everywhere, calling, and I picked out a Willow Warbler (the 5th record this year so far) at the top of Luxford Road. To top it off, Meadow Pipit migration was clearly underway, with heavy passage. I recorded a minimum of 34 in less than two hours.

Tuesday 24th September

Today I had superb views of two Chiffchaffs in my garden, and a small mixed flock of tits and a Nuthatch at very close range, enabling me to take some half-decent photos. Tits seen included Blue, Great, Coal, and Long-tailed. I also saw two Robins fighting, and 5 youngish Blackbirds plus two adults were feeding on the rotten apples from our apple tree.

There was one Meadow Pipit over Steel Cross at 07:31 this morning.

Tuesday 3rd September

Highlights this morning came in the form of the first 2 Meadow Pipits of the autumn, flying over the junction between Green Lane and Poundfield. Three Nuthatches were encountered in their usual places, but this afternoon I had another two juveniles on the Beeches Estate. Despite the cloudy conditions overnight, the hoped-for fall of migrants never came to much, with just a Blackcap in the woodland along Green Lane, and a single Chiffchaff at the junction of Luxford Road and Montargis Road. A party of approximately 8 Long-tailed Tits were at Payne Close, whilst a couple of Siskin flew over Steel Cross.

Monday 2nd September

Fairly quiet this morning, with the highlight being the two Marsh Tits at the top of Payne Close, a regular (ish) site for them. Chifchaffs were in good numbers, with one at the top of Pelling's Farm Close, one at the top of Poundfield Road, and two over on the Montargis Estate at the top of Luxford Road (near Rockington Way). I had the joint highest numbers of Nuthatch - 3, all in the usual places.

Friday 30th August

Birding this morning was a little slow until I heard a Marsh Tit calling from the woodlands at the top of Payne Close (TN6 2XB). At the same site there were both Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers calling, and I saw the former briefly in flight. A Chiffchaff was as always present at the top of Pelling's Farm Close, along with a mixed flock of Blue and Great Tits. A few Siskins flew over while I was at that site. Another Chiffchaff was also present in my garden this morning, feeding quite unobtrusively whilst three Robins were fighting with each other! There was no sign of the Painted Lady this morning, nor of yesterday's Willow Warbler.

Thursday 29th August

Birding this morning revealed my 4th patch Willow Warbler this year, at the top of Pelling's Farm Close (TN6 2BF). There were also 2 Chiffchaffs in evidence, along with the usual combination of Robins, Wrens, and a couple of Nuthatches. A Painted Lady butterfly was flitting around on the roadside of Crowbrough Hill (TN6 2DB) near the crossing.

Wednesday 14th August

No sign of yesterday's Wood Warbler this morning, despite searching suitable habitat nearby, only my third patch Willow Warbler of yesterday was still around, along with a minimum of 3 Chiffchaffs. Again, Nuthatches were obvious - I won't say that they have just suddenly appeared although it may seem like it - as were Great Spotted Woodpeckers, of which I know of at least two successful pairs in the Pelling's Farm Close/Payne Close area.

Tuesday 13th August

The clear and obvious highlight this morning was a WOOD WARBLER in the trees at the top of Pelling's Farm Close (up the footpath), calling but very difficult to locate on my first visit. I went back later and easily relocated it, but photographing it was out of the question. Other highlights were Tawny Owl (at the same place as the Wood Warbler), Willow Warbler - only my 3rd this year on the patch, and Jay, again, at the same place. I don't see Jays very often round these parts. Apart from a largish flock of 10 Goldfinches, and the high count of 3 Nuthatches, it was otherwise quiet.

Sightings June 2019

Swallow (1) Beeches Estate

Siskin (6) Steel Cross

Sightings May 2019

Skylark (1) Beeches Estate

Swift (4) Beeches Estate

Red Kite (2) Beeches Estate
Swift (3) Beeches Estate

Redstart (1) Montargis Estate
Redstart (1) Steel Cross
Hobby (1) Beeches Estate

Redstart (1) Green Lane
Blackcap (2) Montargis Estate

Red Kite (BE) photographed against poor light (Thanks to Liam Curson for the ID!)

Siskin (5) (recently fledged at Steel Cross again)
Long-tailed Tit (2) (carrying nesting material at Montargis Estate)
Blackcap (2) Montargis Estate
Blackcap (4) Steel Cross
Swift (1) Beeches Estate 1st of the year in Crowborough

Siskin (5) (breeding at Steel Cross)
Blackcap (4) Steel Cross
Chiffchaff (2) Steel Cross

Sightings April 2019

Reed Warbler (1) Beeches Estate