Wednesday 2nd October

A real autumnal day today with a brisk cool wind and clear blue skies with hardly a cloud in sight for much of the day. As I expected migrating birds were in reasonable numbers, especially given the predominantly poor weather of late.

The standouts of today were the Meadow Pipits. A total of 21 were recorded in approximately three hours of watching, but the rest of the time was not wasted. 13 Goldfinches in total were migrating south, as were a record 6 Chiffchaffs, seen throughout the day. Also I had my first six Redwings of the autumn over, 2 Linnets (quite rare round here), and another Grey Wagtail, along with 2 Pied Wagtails, which are also surprisingly scarce here.

The only other bit of excitement came in the form of a Great Spotted Woodpecker, over my garden, in an area where they are again quite scarce.